New WETH Farm now available on Dogechain

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WETH-DOGE Farm on Dogechain

Stake WETH-DOGE LP to Earn Dogecorn

With ChewySwap being one of the only active DEX on Dogechain providing farming opportunities it's our duty to increase TVL for essential pairs. In that spirit we've added a new farm to stake WETH-DOGE LP to earn Dogecorn rewards. Since LP is still low for this pair we highly recommend bridging the ETH side of the pair over from Ethereum or Base chain which can be done on Nitro Router Bridge or by using our built-in Nitro Router Bridge widget

How to Bridge from Base to Dogechain

Since the introduction of Nitro Router bridge on Dogechain it's become very fast and easy to bridge funds from multiple chains to Dogechain. The Dogechain team has already seeded some USDT liquidity on QuickSwap in the USDT-DC pair which can be used to bridge from chains supporting USDT to Dogechain. For the purpose of the WETH pool it is recommended for cheapest gas to use Base chain, but Ethereum will work as well.

  1. Using your Dapp browser go to Nitro Router bridge page
  2. For the in side of the swap select your intended token, amount and chain to bridge, be it USDT or WETHNitro Router Bridge
  3. In the out side of the swap widget select which output token + amount you'd like to receive on Dogechain.
  4. If you don't already have WDOGE on Dogechain you can also select the toggle option to "Enable Gas TopUp". This will give you enough gas to pair liquidity and farm your LP.
  5. After the route and output amount are calculated press the Swap button and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Bridging is usually instant or takes a minute or two with Nitro Router.

Dogeshrek Farms now on ChewySwap Staking Platform

All the remaining Dogeshrek farms have been added to the new ChewySwap staking platform which is a much more modern dapp to stake than the old Dogeshrek farms page. You even have the option to use the dapp with Dogechain's Multi-Sig Wallet app. This makes it possible for DAO projects to also stake their holdings. We have recently adjusted farm allocations to increase rewards for the most essential pairs on Dogechain such as DC-DOGE which should help encourage increased TVL during Dogecoin's increase in price and popularity lately. Visit the ChewySwap Staking Dogechain Farms page to stake now. The old Dogeshrek farms page is still accessible if you need to remove your stake from deactivated pools.

The Future of DogeFi on ChewySwap

We are committed to supporting Dogechain on ChewySwap and do plan on releasing a new farming rewards token and farms to further increase rewards for liquidity providers. Dogecorn farms will remain and will serve as another option for stakers. In addition to our upcoming DEX Aggregator there's much to look forward for in the future of DogeFi!

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